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2021-09-29 来源: 中国石化新闻网

  中国石化新闻网讯 据气体世界网2021年9月27日报道,一艘由航运公司Deltamarine和GTT作为一种低排放、清洁燃料技术船而设计的阿芙拉型油轮日前获得了美国船级社(ABS)的原则上批准。



  这个在Gastech 2021大会期间获得的批准证明GTT的薄膜型燃料储罐解决方案的船上一体化符合安全法规,在技术上是可行的。

  李峻 编译自 气体世界网


  New LNG-fuelled Aframax vessel design gets approved

  An Aframax tanker which was designed by shipping companies Deltamarine and GTT as a low emission, clean-fuel technology ship has been awarded an Approval in Principle from classification society, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).

  With the partners working together to study methods of energy efficiency, the vessel will incorporate advanced GTT membrane-type liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanks.

  In comparison to a standard oil-fuelled tanker, this new tanker will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by at least 20%, according to Deltamarin.

  Awarded at Gastech 2021, the approval certifies that onboard integration of GTT’s membrane fuel tank solution complies with safety regulations and is technically feasible.

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